animal trial

snakeSnake Reptile with a long elongated body sometimes covered with marks and has horny scales, without to linens, or hind limbs and, no ears, no movable eyelids. The pointed teeth that are curved are fused into the bone of the head; they have a retractable forked tongue which is important, and is a tactile organ.

On the head the scales are enlarged to, and look like Shields. They only have one lung. Snakes do not have larynx and or vocal cords but are nonetheless capable of producing a hissing sound.

Snakes shed their skin several times a year. They move along by using its body muscles aided by ventral plates (abdomen elongated scales ) and is connected to the ends of the ribs. It is believed that snakes had an evolutionary advantage in the dense vegetation that formed to their early environment .

Snakes live in many different places , but most of them live under the ground , some are aquatic and others are arboreal. Many hibernate in the winter. The small snakes mostly feed on insects, but as they get proportionately larger they also feed on animals. Because the jewels and Grebes and skin are expandable a snake can swallow large prey. Most snakes lay eggs, and the others incubates the eggs early, then produce hatched young.

There is over 2500 species, and 80 percent of these on nonvenomous , they are distributed throughout the world (except in Ireland, New Zealand, and some isolated islands) but are found in the greatest of numbers in the tropics. Of the harmless snakes in North America include, Garter snake, king snake, ribbon snake, green or grass snake, pilot black snake, black snake and De Kay snake , and also the milk, and bull, water, hog-nosed, worm, rat, coachwhip , and the pine snakes. The boa family includes the largest snakes the anaconda, the the reticulated python, the smaller boa constrictor, also the tree and sand boas.

The poisonous snakes in North America include the coral snake, the pit vipers, (the copperhead), rattlesnake , water moccasin, and massasauga . The Bushmaster , and the Fer-de-lance are other deadly pit vipers. From the old world vipers, the African mamba, the Cobra, sea snakes of tropical oceans. The venom from snakes is extracted and is used in treating certain diseases, and also antivenin for snake bites.

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