animal trial

chipmunkChipmunk, belonging to the family Sciurdae. native to North America there is the Eastern chipmunk, Cliff chipmunk, Least chipmunk, and the Yellow-pine chipmunk. All members have four toes on front feet 5 on hind feet , their eyes are set high on their heads .

They live in a shallow burrow which is used for several years and grows to a length of 30 ft. or more with complex tunnels branching off to extra chambers and alternative exits. Earth is hauled out using internal cheek pouches and spread out far away from the main entrance, which is camouflaged by leaves and rocks , warm inside the chipmunk plug holes to seal off cold blasts of air and keep out predators , which include weasels, snakes, foxes, and dogs. In the open hawks and owls swoop down.

When they prepare for winter they make a nest out of leaves, and then curls up for a long nap, but unlike the marmot that hibernates through the cold months the trim four ounce chipmunk often wakes up hungry when blizzards blow and snacks in its bed.

The males court in early spring and later in the summer . The female may bite a suitor and drive them from her den. If they mate four or five young are born 32 days later . When the young get to six weeks they appear above ground and begin to feed on summer berries, mushrooms, seeds, worms, insects, and gardeners bulbs.

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